
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cleaning Up Your Resume

Oh, springtime! I think this is the most gorgeous time of the year—when the daffodils begin to bloom and your allergies start acting up. It is also the season of rebirth and renewal. And you know what that means… time for spring cleaning! But instead of tidying up your house, let’s think about tidying up your resume. Even if you are already employed or not currently seeking employment, it is always a good idea to freshen up your resume from time to time. Think of it as a one page advert that explains who you are and what you are capable of as a working professional. Take a look at your resume and try to do some of the following:

Make sure your resume follows some of these common guidelines:
  • Be sure that your resume fits on one standard page (if you need to use two pages, make sure you fill up all of the space on both pages).
  • Use a standard font that is easy to read like Times New Roman, Calibri, Tahoma, Verdana, or Arial in a type size of 10-12 pt.
  • Check if you are using the same consistent verb tense throughout (past or present).
  • If you haven’t already, make sure you are using a professional email address in your contact information. Although you like your email sexybabe74643@hotmail.com, try to opt for some combination of your name.

Review your education and related work experience:
  • Make sure the descriptions of your work experience are up-to-date.
  • Use action verbs to describe your experiences.

Update your skills and additional experience:
  • List the computer programs and databases you can comfortably use in the “Skills” section of your resume.
  • If you have participated in a certification program like Falmouth’s Human Resources Certification, make sure you have mentioned it in your “Skills” section as well!
  • In an “Additional Experience” section of your resume, you could note that you attended Falmouth’s Tribal Secretaries Conference or any other professional experience you may have participated in (like an internship or fellowship).

Just like your house, your resume needs to be tidied up and refreshed once and a while. Why not do it now while you’ve got the spring cleaning bug? :)

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